Title: Founder/Director at AGASAN, Masters of Counseling Psychology Candidate
Languages Spoken: English, minimal Ilokano and Tagalog Affiliations: AGASAN Approach: Drama Therapy, Ecotherapy, Expressive Arts Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Multicultural, Narrative Therapy, Strength Based, Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy Unceded Ramaytush Ohlone Territory; SF, CA - Rachel Lastimosa (she/they/siya) is a second generation Ilokana with ancestry from Kalinga Apayao, Ilocos Sur and Ifugao. She is an interdisciplinary artist, cultural worker and practitioner. She has worked in the Bay Area as a community organizer and artist since the early aughts. In 2018, she founded AGASAN, a collective of artists and practitioners that provide wellness workshops to BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. She is pursuing a masters at California Institute of Integral Studies, Counseling Psychology Department with
an Expressive Arts Therapy emphasis. Rachel’s focus on the intersection of arts, culture, equity and wellness continues to be the foundation for her creative pursuits and community service. |
"Together, we can end the stigma of mental health." |