Title: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Languages Spoken: English, Filipino Affiliations: UCSF HEARTS (Healthy Environment & Responses to Trauma in Schools) Approach: Psychotherapy, Drama Therapy, Eclectic Modality, Multi-disciplinary Rani is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and a consultant with UCSF HEARTS (Healthy Environment and Responses to Trauma in Schools) for San Francisco Unified School District in Ramaytush Ohlone territory. They currently provide trauma-informed, healing-centered, and equity-promoting support and services to students, staff, and families of Bessie Carmichael Schools/Filipino Education Center. They received their Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Drama Therapy at California Institute of Integral Studies and they currently serve as a core member of Filipino Mental Health Initiative - San Francisco.
"Together, we can end the stigma of mental health." |